Thursday, January 22, 2009

Andrew - 8 months old
Andrew has done a lot of growing this month. He is wearing 12-18 month sz. clothes. He now has four teeth and can crawl, pull up, and cruise around the furniture in the house. He also had a double ear infection this month, which was not fun. He is doing better now after a round of antibiotics. He loves to annoy his brother by pulling at his hair and clothes, but I think Peter really does love him anyway. He is energetic, fearless, and has the most kissable chubby cheeks. He keeps us all busy, laughing, and sleep deprived. Life would be so boring without him!
Dressed for church

Playing with his new barn set in his very favorite outfit - a diaper and a bib
See the new video - Andrew 8 months old

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Christmas 2008 - Andrew (7 months) and Peter (2 yrs.)
We spent the holidays at my parent's home in TN this year. We stayed for about a week and a half and enjoyed a much needed vacation time. We had a great time with my parents and my brother, Jeff. The boys just loved playing with them. Dan's parents and Bob, Janelle, and Olivia came to see all of us over Christmas for a couple of days. It was wonderful to be all together!
Daddy and Andrew

Peter helping his Gram do the dishes

Peter and Olivia chasing each other up and down the hallway

Olivia loved giving Peter hugs

Peter and his Aunt Janelle watching a movie

Mommy and Andrew

Peter and Olivia wishing someone would take them outside to play

Peter liked looking at the fish when we went to Bays Mountain Park

All snuggled up
See the new video "Go Peter and Olivia!"